
Kenya MSP

Marine spatial planning is coordinated by the Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs. Due to the broad nature of MSP, its development, an inter-ministerial committee and inter-agency technical teams have been established to guide the process.

The Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs manages the MSP development process in cooperation with other line ministries, institutions and stakeholders. As the competent authority for blue economy, its key tasks are to coordinate the planning process and to secure the support for the marine spatial plan by the other line ministries.
The department provides oversight for the MSP Secretariat set up to provide administrative support for the process. The Secretariat is supported by Technical Working Groups (TWGs) focusing on science and data, stakeholder engagement and communication, and legal issues.
The Multi-Agency Steering Committee supported by the Technical Working Groups coordinates and spearhead the MSP development process. The committee comprises representatives of ministries, state departments and agencies with mandate over marine spaces and resources.
National Executive Committee provides oversight for the MSP process. It is composed of relevant Principal Secretaries, Chair Council of Governors Blue Economy Committee and Chief Executive Officers of relevant government agencies. The Principal Secretary, State Department for the Blue Economy and Fisheries, and Principal Secretary, State Department for Shipping and Maritime Affairs co-chair the Executive Committee.
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