Project Components


Component 1: Governance and Management of Marine Fisheries

The component will contribute to the PDO by supporting improvement of management of marine fisheries in Kenyan waters. Fisheries governance related interventions will be promoted through strengthened co-management of nearshore fisheries and infrastructure development in relation to fisheries management at national and county levels.

C1: Sub Components

Component 2: Coastal Community Empowerment and Livelihoods

The component will contribute to the PDO by strengthening livelihoods in coastal communities through a combination of technical and financial support for the implementation of livelihood, social welfare, and environmental subprojects; provision of scholarship grants and complementary capacity-building and mentoring of beneficiaries.

C2: Sub Components

Component 3: Project Management

The component will finance support for project management at both national and county levels to ensure coordinated and timely execution of project activities
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