Strategic Partners

The Kenya Crab Farm
The First Crab Farm in Kenya. Started in 2013, originally to support the demand of the hotel on site, Che Shale, the farm has now grown into a community outreach programme supported by FAO and the Kenyan Fisheries Department.

Kutoka Ardhini
Kutoka Ardhini believes in the power of agriculture to unlock hidden and under utilized potential and earning power in small holder farming communities. We believe in empowering local communities to produce raw material inputs for domestic and international markets and provide technical, financial, and market support to small holder farmers throughout Kenya within the vegetable and essential oil value chains.

Kilifi Moringa
Moringa has appeared in global markets via its Oil-seed: an economic asset and an exit from the “subsistence slavery” of rural poverty for millions; the same Moringa plant celebrated for its vast nutritional content is now a clear path to economic freedom.

Equator Kenya Ltd
Equator Kenya Ltd. is an established private company at the Kenyan Coast with the objective to supply the market with premium quality dehydrated fruits and vegetable products, requiring labour intensive farming.