Component 1
Component 1: Strengthen Capacity in Governance and Management of Marine Fisheries.
This component supports the Government of Kenya to strengthen governance and management of renewable marine resources to ensure the long-term sustainability of fish stocks. The component has three sub-components:
Sub-Component 1.1 - Enhanced Governance of Marine Fisheries and Blue Economy
The activities under this sub-component aim to strengthen fisheries management. The key activities are:
- Revision, development and implementation of fishery governance instruments such as policies, regulations operationalizing the Fisheries Management and Development Act 2016, management plans and measures for the priority fisheries
- Preparation of an Integrated Marine Spatial Plan
- Strengthening fisheries management capacity, monitoring, data collection and processing for decision-making, Fishery Management Support; Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS); and Training
Sub-Component 1.2 - Improve Management of Nearshore Fisheries
The activities under this sub-component relate to strengthening co-management structures in nearshore fisheries management. These include:
- Conducting social and ecological surveys
- Capacity development for Beach Management Units (BMUs)
- Supporting implementation of equipment for implementation
- Establishment of bad weather SMS alert system for fishers
- Support for establishment and operations of Indian Ocean Water Body (IOWB) BMU networks
Sub-Component 1.3 Infrastructure Development for Fisheries Management
The activities under this sub-component will focus on development of infrastructure to support the management of fisheries at the national, county and community levels. This includes:
- Building of UVUVI House in Nairobi, which will be established as a one-stop hub hosting the State Department and all the fisheries institutions
- Upgrading of selected county offices and fisheries infrastructure including to reduce post-harvest losses and enhance regulatory compliance
- Building of the National Mariculture Resource and Training Centre (NAMARET)