New Co-Management plans to promote sustainable fisheries

Eight new fisheries Joint Co-Management Area (JCMA) plans are set for implementation after endorsement by the Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS) and the five coastal counties.

KeFS Director General Mr. Daniel Mungai and County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) in charge of fisheries from Kilifi, Mombasa, Kwale, Tana River, and Lamu endorsed the plans in March 2024.

Some 42 BMUs spread across the counties are expected to spearhead the implementation of the JCMA plans in close collaboration with the national and county governments and other stakeholders. The eight JCMAs are:

Lamu Bay JCMA has 10 BMUs.  The three JCMAs in Kwale have a total of 15 BMUs:  Shimoni-Vanga (7), Chale-Gazi (2) and Mwandamu-Funzi (6). Kilifi has three JCMAs: TAMKIBO (4), Malindi-Magarini (5), and KAMAMKUKI, which straddles the border with Mombasa and has 3 BMU from Kilifi and 2 BMUs from Mombasa hence a joint management between Mombasa and Kilifi Counties.

These JCMAs, covering approximately 6,300 km² of Indian Ocean waters, were developed with support from the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development Project (KEMFSED).

The signing of the JCMA plans is a major milestone in efforts to mainstream the co-management approach, where the community of local resource users, including fishers, partner with government and other stakeholders and take on a greater responsibility in making decisions about how common resources should be used.

Implementation of the JCMA plans will enhance economic benefits and coastal livelihoods while safeguarding marine resources. All the 42 BMUs have revised their by-laws to include provisions that enable the enforce the various management measures specified in the JCMAs to protect marine ecosystems and promote sustainable fishing. These include designating areas where fishing or use of certain gear is restricted to allow fish stocks to increase and protect sensitive habitats such as coral reefs, seagrass, and mangroves. Eight new fisheries Joint Co-Management Areas plans are set for implementation after endorsement by the Beach Management Units and the five coastal counties in collaboration with Kenya Fisheries Service (KEFS)  among other stakeholders.

Download JCMA Plans

Kenya Fisheries Service Director General Daniel Mungai hands over a JCMA plan to Kilifi County CECM for fisheries Dr Chula Mwagona and a representative of BMUs
Kenya Fisheries Service Director General Daniel Mungai hands over a JCMA plan to Kilifi
County CECM for fisheries Dr Chula Mwagona and a representative of BMUs
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