Training Of Kilifi County Trainees On Data Collection
Trainees (from Kilifi County), comprising of BMU Members and fisheries staff underwent a two days training on data collection.
Trainees (from Kilifi County), comprising of BMU Members and fisheries staff underwent a two days training on data collection.
Trainees from Kwale County consisting of BMU Members and fisheries staff underwent a two days training on data collection at KWS Shimoni.
Trainees from Lamu and Tana River Counties underwent a two days training on data collection at ATC Mpeketoni, Lamu County.
Kilifi CPIU held its County Project Steering Committee met to delibarate and approve the enhanced coastal community livelihood (ECCL) sub-projects proposal applications submitted to the County Project implementation unit (CPIU) to be funded by the KEMFSED project.
Kwale County KEMFSED project education/scholarship committee successful shortlisted scholarship applicants.
NPCU and the CPIU team met with the WorldBank and project team. Each CPIU presented project implementation progress in their respective counties.
The NPCU, Kilifi County CPIU, the WorldBank and the KEMFSED project team visited Sita Umoja Self-Help Group in Dabaso, Malindi. This group is involved in mangrove restoration, they are establishing a restaurant in the mangrove and they are also running a snake park.
The World Bank and the KEMFSED project team, NPCU and Kilifi CPIU visited the Madevu Water Project Self-Help Group. The group initially came together to address their water problem but later partnered with one of the KEMFSED’s Strategic Partners, Equator Kenya Ltd, to grow Chillis.
Pictrorials: WorldBank project team, NPCU and Kilifi CPIU teams was Kuruwitu Conservation Welfare.
One of the national infrastructure projects being undertaken by KEMFSED is the National Mariculture Resource & Training (NAMARET) Centre which will be put up in Shimoni, Kwale County. The centre will be providing training to fish farmers on modern mariculture farming, and also have a fish hatchery. Due to its (hatchery) intensive technical requirements, the …
Kenya Tropical Sea Life EPZ Benchmarking Visit By World Bank And KEMFSED Team Read More »