Component 2
Component 2: Coastal Community Empowerment and Livelihoods.
Sub-component 2.1 – Enhance Coastal Community Livelihoods
The activities in this sub-component are implemented through three categories of small grants or sub-projects. Communities are supported to develop Community Integrated Development Plans (CIDP) to guide prioritisation of interventions and competitive selection of the subprojects submitted through common interest groups
- Livelihood productive grants targeting about 20,000 households will be targeted across the project 98 Wards in five counties
- Social welfare grants to improve social facilities
- Environmental and natural capital grants to promote environmental management projects
- Training, capacity building and mentorship for communities and staff from government institutions implementing the project
- Scholarships for students in high school, vocational training and internships to increase the local skills pool
Sub-Component 2.2 – Support services for Livelihood Enhancement and Capacity Development
The participating counties will provide a package of support services and capacity-building for beneficiary common interest groups (CIGs) and community based organizations CBOs). This will empower them to complement the activities facilitate effective implementation of enable them effectively implement sub-projects. needed to deliver and complement the activities under Enhanced Coastal Community Livelihoods (ECCL) investments. This includes technical assistance to identify recipients of sub-project grants; to support preparation, management and oversight of sub-projects; and training to grant recipients
Strategic Partners
KEMFSED has formed strategic partnerships with four commercial enterprises implementing aquaculture or contract farming schemes to provide technical assistance to smallholder producers improve their access to markers.