Aspiring civil engineer’s triumph over adversity

Amos, an aspiring civil engineer
Amos, an aspiring civil engineer

Amos, the youngest of three siblings, was born into a family in Kilifi that knew the harsh realities of financial struggle all too well.

He recalls many times when his parents, who rely on seasonal casual work on farms, could not afford regular meals.

Despite adversity, Amos’ resolve to succeed in school never wavered. He scored an impressive 377 marks in his primary school examinations and was selected to join Ribe Boys High School, the institution of his dreams. But his parents could not afford the fees.

Amos’s father, faced with the grim reality of their financial situation, attempted to persuade his son to consider other schools. But Amos had his heart firmly set on his chosen school.

Well-wishers who recognized his potential helped the family to raise the first-term fees. The parents were relieved but did not know where the next term’s fees could come from.

Local social workers helped the family to successfully apply for a KEMFSED scholarship. This was a turning point for Amos and the family. The constant worry of unpaid school fees was lifted.

Amos could now immerse himself in his studies without the fear of being sent home for fees.

“My aim is to score an A and join university to study civil engineering,” says Amos. Amos draws his inspiration from his father, who believes in the transformative power of education. His ambition is to use his education to improve his family’s financial situation and overall quality of life, a goal that resonates deeply with his heart.

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