Scholarship ignites Zahra’s passion for pursuing a career in law

Zahra Ahmed, Wants to be a lawyer
Zahra Ahmed, Wants to be a lawyer

Zahra Ahmed, a Form 2 student at Matuga Girls Secondary School, in Magarini sub-county Kilifi, has a burning ambition to create a better future for herself and her community.

Growing up in a single-parent household, Zahra has witnessed her mother’s struggles to provide for their family, especially their education. The girl could often miss classes due to lack of fees.

The turning point in Zahra’s life came when she was awarded a KEMFSED Project scholarship. It lifted the burden off her mother’s shoulders and fueled her passion to work hard so that she could pursue her dream of being a lawyer.

This life-changing opportunity ensured that her secondary school fees would be covered in full until she completed her secondary school education.

“I have faced many hurdles in my education … the scholarship has given me hope and the wings to soar,” says Zahra. “It has not only relieved the financial burden on my family but has also affirmed that my dreams are valid and achievable.”

She added: “I am determined to use this opportunity to study law, uplift the marginalized, and bring about a more just society. My message to others facing similar challenges is to never lose hope,” said Zahra. Zahra envisions a future where she can use her voice as a lawyer to advocate for the rights of the underprivileged, challenge injustice, and create lasting change in her community.

A KEMFSED Project officer interviews Zahra during a monitoring home visit
A KEMFSED Project officer interviews Zahra during a monitoring home visit
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