
Blue Economy PS Betsy Njagi visits KEMFSED project sites

Blue Economy and Fisheries PS Betsy Njagi visited various sites of activities supported by the KEMFSED Project in Mombasa, Kwale, and Kilifi counties between January 23rd and 26th 2023. Accompanied by KEMFSED National Project Coordinator Patrick Kiara and other officials, the PS paid courtesy calls to the respective County Commissioners before holding talks with Governors …

Blue Economy PS Betsy Njagi visits KEMFSED project sites Read More »

Leadership training for members of a women's group

Capacity building to strengthen common interest groups

Local capacity building is a key objective of KEMFSED. The project provides training to improve the abilities of common interest groups to effectively manage sub-projects to improve that increase access to complementary livelihood options for coastal communities that largely depend on fisheries. The capacity building targets groups shortlisted to receive KEMFSED grants for sub-projects that …

Capacity building to strengthen common interest groups Read More »

Assisting the community in pond preparation and collection of wild seeds for stocking by the Mariculture team

Under Component 1, the project is supposed to capacity-build mariculture farmers in finfish and shellfish production. In order to support some of the existing farmers to stock their ponds in the move to enhance mariculture production, the project has mobilized finfish and shellfish farmers in Kilifi county to collect prawns and milkfish seeds to stock …

Assisting the community in pond preparation and collection of wild seeds for stocking by the Mariculture team Read More »

These numbers prove that rural women are crucial for a better future. But they’re not getting what they need to succeed

Rural women in developing countries are already feeling the effects of climate change in their daily life. They’re seeing weather patterns change, and once-dependable crops are no longer thriving. They’re having their livelihoods wiped out by extreme weather events – and with less access to resources than men, they have a harder time bouncing back.They’re …

These numbers prove that rural women are crucial for a better future. But they’re not getting what they need to succeed Read More »

From virtual reality to virtual field visits: How World Bank used technology to stay connected to the people we serve during COVID

Rural women in developing countries are already feeling the effects of climate change in their daily life. They’re seeing weather patterns change, and once-dependable crops are no longer thriving. They’re having their livelihoods wiped out by extreme weather events – and with less access to resources than men, they have a harder time bouncing back.They’re …

From virtual reality to virtual field visits: How World Bank used technology to stay connected to the people we serve during COVID Read More »

To tackle climate change, we need to empower rural women. Here are ways to do that

Rural women in developing countries are already feeling the effects of climate change in their daily life. They’re seeing weather patterns change, and once-dependable crops are no longer thriving. They’re having their livelihoods wiped out by extreme weather events – and with less access to resources than men, they have a harder time bouncing back.They’re …

To tackle climate change, we need to empower rural women. Here are ways to do that Read More »

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